2015 MAIC Champion Awardees – Linda Barnet & Fenway Health HPV Improvement Team

Apr 5, 2015 | MAIC Champion

Each year the Massachusetts Adult Immunization Conference Planning committee selects the Adult Immunization Champion Award winners based upon a nomination and review process looking for leadership, innovation, collaboration, advocacy and initiative towards improving adult immunization rates. This year’s awardees are Springfield Healthcare for the Homeless Program nurse, Linda Barnet and Fenway Health’s HPV Vaccination Improvement Team, Boston.

Linda Barnet, RN – Springfield Healthcare for the Homeless Program
Working with homeless patients who are transient and many who have no primary care provider, Linda has worked diligently the past 20 years to obtain vaccination histories and offer patients appropriate immunization to get them up-to-date. Linda has been the immunization champion for the program and leads the team in number of homeless patients seen.


Fenway Health HPV Improvement Team – Sarah Wolfrum, Catherine Basham, Dr. Jennifer Potter, and Kiefer St. Pierre
The Fenway Health HPV Vaccination Improvement Team began their focused work on improving HPV vaccination rates among adult in 2012. They identified a three prong approach of staff education, patient education and systems changes to support their efforts. From 2013 to 2014 the physician champion, nurse champion, data analyst and program coordinator overcame barriers to improve HPV vaccination rates among 22-26 year olds. Their efforts in 2013 not only improved HPV vaccination rates but they have sustained higher HPV vaccination rates by using a logic model to plot out their course.