Premise Health is one of the nation’s leading providers of onsite and nearsite wellness centers, and 24/7 virtual health for the world’s top organizations. With nearly 5 million eligible members, Premise Health has cared for thousands of people, serving some of the nation’s top companies at more than 600 locations, and has more than 4,600 world-class team members. Premise Health works to keep individuals at their best – at work, at home, and everywhere they go. They shift the focus from treatment to prevention, empowering people to make health and wellness a priority.
At Premise’s Fidelity Health & Wellness Center in Boston, Lucy Radovinsky, NP and Marcy Golov, RN are a dynamic duo! Together Marcy and Lucy have made an absolutely outstanding contribution to promoting adult vaccinations. In Fall 2019, Marcy, Lucy and their team facilitated and administered over 650 flu vaccinations to Fidelity employees. They also perform titers and patient education, and provide access to adult vaccinations, such as Hepatitis A and B, MMR, Varicella, Typhoid, Japanese Encephalitis and many more through Travel visits and preventative wellness exams. Marcy and Lucy are consistently attending Travel information sessions and confirming the most up to date recommendations through CDC resources and use of Shoreland Travax. Marcy and Lucy’s collaboration with senior clinical leadership, travel teams, and each other makes for an exceptional initiative in influencing adult vaccinations so that they may help hundreds of patients get, stay, and be well.
Premise Health has always been prepared with a very strong virtual program allowing for their clients to have the option for virtual services. Currently, Fidelity continues to have employees working remotely from home so Lucy and Marcy’s work is mostly virtual. However, they are in the planning stages for the fall regarding flu vaccines, return to work plans, and Covid19 screening.
For more information about the services Premise Health offers, please visit their website at
Previously featured member spotlights:
- Lisa White, RN, PhD and Barbara Wrobleski, RN, MSN
- Shaws Osco Pharmacy
- Commonwealth Medicine: Vaccine Reimbursement Program
- Andover Health Division – Community Health Program
- The Visiting Nurse Association of Cape Cod (VNACC)
- The Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers
- Massachusetts Association of Public Health Nurses (MAPHN)
- Masspro
- Walgreens